SEO Resources

seo resources like google search console

Our best SEO resources, created by Root & Branch, including how to optimize on page content, create and submit sitemaps, properly structure anchor text for internal links, take advantage of free features in Google My Business and more.

If you’re looking specifically for Local SEO or SEO services, you can find more information on the pages linked here, or fill out the form below to get in touch.

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The Best Free SEO Tools

Some of the best SEO tools cost money. Fortunately, some of those tools have free versions and some platforms are entirely free. So without further ado, here are the best free SEO tools to use in 2021. We’re starting with a short list of only 4 to keep things manageable.

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What is the Google Tag Manager Data Layer?

I’m progressing through a Google Tag Manager training series (as the student, not the teacher), and realized how much I didn’t know about the Data Layer. This blog explores the Google Tag Manager Data Layer from the viewpoint of a non-developer. The goal is to introduce some key concepts like JavaScript objects, key-value pairs, and dataLayer.push() that help us non-developers understand the Data Layer.

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What is the Single Most Important On Page SEO Factor?

SEO is complicated.

That complexity makes it challenging to answer questions simply. But if you’re interested in the single most important On Page SEO factor, let’s give it a go!

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Branded vs Non Branded Keywords | Analyze With Google Search Console

Working on SEO can sometimes seem overwhelming. After all, there is so much that can be done and so many different ways to measure success. One of the most helpful places to start is understanding branded vs non branded keywords, and knowing how to analyze both with Google Search Console.

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How to Install Google Tag Manager on WordPress

Interested in getting started with Google Tag Manager but feeling a little intimidated? Fear not! Here’s how start your GTM journey with a guide on how to install Google Tag Manager on WordPress in 5 steps.

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What Are Backlinks? (And 5 Strategies for Earning More of Them)

You might be new to the SEO world, or maybe you’re just getting started in backlink management. Either way, if you’re wondering “What are backlinks and how do I earn them?” you’ve come to the right place. The world of backlink management can feel quite overwhelming when you’re first getting into it, and we want to break it down for both ease of understanding and application for your own business. Let’s get started!

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5 Things to Know About Being a Contract SEO Writer

The world of SEO writing lends itself to a lot of opportunities, including the opportunity to obtain work as a contract SEO writer. Working as an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writer is a great way to learn more about the world of SEO and how to incorporate it into content. What do you need to know to start out as an SEO writer? We asked one of our very own content writers to give you an inside scoop.

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Digital PR Tips: 4 Ways Public Relations Can Help SEO

PR teams help organizations to foster, encourage, and generally support a positive reputation. They also increase awareness among the public and the media. Public relations efforts include paid and unpaid (earned) communications that can be offline or online. These 4 digital PR tips can transform online public relations tactics into a discipline that drives sustained SEO results.

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How to Earn a Featured Snippet | Steps, Tips, and More

Wondering how to earn a featured snippet? We’ve laid out the top tips, steps, and more that you should know in order to try to earn that featured spot on the Google SERP. First, let’s start with the basics.

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Regional SEO Services: 3 Reasons They Matter

Regional SEO services are a critical tool that businesses should take advantage of when looking to reach their target audience in their local area. Though you may eventually want to reach the entire nation, being the big fish in the big pond should of course come after you dominate the region closest to your base of operations. The great thing about local and regional SEO services is that they can actually help you win over the majority of the audience in your local area when optimized properly.

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