19 Questions About Microsoft Clarity Smart Events

Microsoft’s introduction of “Smart Events” into Microsoft Clarity marks the commencement of support for event-tracking capabilities within its digital experience analytics tools.

In this article, I will address nineteen (19) questions you might have about “Smart Events” in Microsoft Clarity.

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Using Ad Customizers for Responsive Search Ads

Who doesn’t love automating a tedious, time-consuming task? With ad customizers for responsive search ads, you can automate ad copy-refreshing tasks. To ensure ad content is dynamic and accurate for your ad viewers.

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WooCommerce Google Analytics 4 Tracking Tutorial

In this article you’ll learn how to set up Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking for a WooCommerce site.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can be a powerful web analytics tool. But you need to know how to use it. It has an event-based data model, but not all (or even most) events and parameters come preloaded when you first install GA4. You have to specify what you want tracked.

And that’s especially true if you want to track Ecommerce events. You can do that with the help of Google Tag Manager, WooCommerce, and a WordPress plugin called GTM4WP.

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Google Tag Manager Container Code Basics 2024

The container code is the foundation of Google Tag Manager. And although most of your work will be inside the container as you create tags, triggers, and triggers, it’s also important to know how to deal with the container code itself.

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How to Back Up Universal Analytics Data

The end is nigh. Universal Analytics is getting deprecated. That means your historical Google Analytics data will soon disappear. 

If you’re planning on backing up your historical Universal Analytics data, now is the time and this article is for you.

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BigQuery SQL Examples For GA4

In this article we’re picking up with the second phase of using GA4 with BigQuery. You’ve already linked GA4 to BigQuery and now you want to know if you can actually access the data in the underlying data table. So let’s see some BigQuery SQL examples that you can actually try.

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Complianz Consent Mode v2 Setup With Google Tag Manager

If you’re using Complianz for cookie consent here’s how you can configure Complianz consent mode v2 with the help of Google Tag Manager.

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GA4 Conversion Rate Reporting: 3 Options in Looker Studio

When working with Google Analytics (GA4) data in Looker Studio, it is possible to receive requests to have your report include insight on the individual performance of GA4 conversions in your Analytics property. Such performance metrics may include conversion counts and conversion rates at both the session and user levels. If you want to learn how to present this information effectively in your dashboard, continue reading, as I will introduce various methods available.

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Google Analytics vs. Tag Manager

[Updated 3/22/24] Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are tools that can be connected, but are nonetheless very different from each other. Here’s how to draw the distinction between Google Analytics vs. Tag Manager:

At the core, Google Analytics is a “web analytics” tool for analyzing your website. Google Tag Manager is a “tag management” tool for managing code snippets on your website. Let’s dive in to see what that means and how you can use both.

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Google Consent Mode (Consent Mode v2) Basics

[Updated 3/22/24] Consent mode is a privacy mechanism by which your website can communicate visitor privacy choices made on a cookie consent banners. Those choices get related to Google tags, which can adjust how they fire and process data. You are running consent mode and your website is honoring visitor choices related to advertising and analytics tracking.

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