Tag Archive for: ga4 vs ua

How to Back Up Universal Analytics Data

The end is nigh. Universal Analytics is getting deprecated. That means your historical Google Analytics data will soon disappear. 

If you’re planning on backing up your historical Universal Analytics data, now is the time and this article is for you.

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GA4 Views: How To Create a “View” in Google Analytics 4

Updated: 8/8/23 When it comes to Google Analytics views, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that technically Views no longer exist in GA4. The good news, however, is that we can use report filters to replicate much of the same functionality that we liked about views from the days of Universal Analytics.

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GA4 Users Defined: Active Users vs. Total Users vs. New Users and Returning Users

Updated: 3/5/24 Users are unique individuals who are doing things on your website or app. In this article, we’ll define GA4 users and demystify Active Users vs. Total Users vs. New Users vs. Returning Users.

We’ll also show how to build an audience of returning users. If you make it to the end, there’s a 1-page PDF with all of the consolidated information on all the user groups.

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Updated 11/7/23 There’s a lot to learn with Google Analytics 4. If you have been struggling to wrap your head around the new Google Analytics, this GA4 FAQ is for you.operty type.

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GA4 vs Universal Analytics – 2023 Update

UPDATED: 8/22/23 It’s 2023 and there are big changes in the world of digital analytics. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is replacing Universal Analytics (UA or GA3). Google has stopped processing new hits in Universal Analytics properties beginning on July 1, 2023. Some of us are excited and some are lamenting the end of UA, but it is a major impact for all.

So let’s dig in and explore the most important differences of GA4 vs. Universal Analytics.

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GA4 Bounce Rate vs. UA: What’s the Difference?

When GA4 was first launched it did not include a bounce rate metric. That changed on July 11, 2022 when bounce rate was added to GA4. But it’s a different metric and calculation from what we were used to.

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