GA4 Resources

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GA4 Event Parameters: A Practical Guide

Updated: 1/23/24 Parameters are the additional pieces of data that add more context to Google Analytics events. And GA4 event parameters are one of the most confusing and least intuitive parts about the new Google Analytics.

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GA4 Google Search Console Linking: Get Search Console Data in Analytics

Updated 1/11/24: Google Search Console will show your top search queries, your ranks, and your top landing pages in Google organic search.

So if you want to find what specific search terms your visitors typed into Google before they found your website, you need to link Google Search Console with GA4. You should be able to complete it in 4 minutes or less. But first, one clarifying note.

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Google Analytics Automatically Created Properties Stink

Some people may like the Google Analytics automatically created property. I have not yet met those people.

Here’s a short article about why I think they belong in the trash pile. And how you can put yours there if you agree.

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Google Tag Manager Trigger Groups Explained

First introduced in 2019, Google Tag Manager trigger groups allow you to create advanced conditions before your tag will fire.

In this guide, you’ll learn what they are and how to use them.

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The New Google Tag: What You Need to Know

Google announced a big change in the fall of 2023. The new Google Tag template arrived in Google Tag Manager and it comes with some important implications for Google Analytics. Here’s what you need to know.

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Looker Studio API Limits: Deal With GA4 Quotas

If you’re using Looker Studio to report on your GA4 data, you may have been hit with the Looker Studio API limits. Your use of data is rationed and you’ve exceeded your allotment (aka, your quota).

Here’s what’s happening and how you can manage it.

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GA4 Click Event

The GA4 click event is an enhanced measurement event that Google Analytics can track automatically. But it doesn’t track all clicks on its own.

In this article we’ll review what the click event tracks and explain how you can also track other important click events.

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Does GA4 Use Cookies? Cookies in Google Analytics 2024

Updated: 3/8/24 Cookies are an important part of generating the data for digital analytics. And the increasingly complex privacy environment means GA4 cookies are under the microscope, especially in the EU. But what are cookies exactly? And what role do they play in Google Analytics now?

You’ll learn that in this article, including how to immediately cookies in GA4 if you so choose.

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Google Tag Manager Basics: Master Tags and Triggers

[Updated 3/13/24] Learning Google Tag Manager basics begins with mastering tags and triggers. So let’s learn how GTM tags and triggers work and then walk through the process of setting up a GA4 event tag in GTM.

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Update Your Looker Data Source

If you have existing Looker Studio reports that use your GA4 data, you may need to update your Looker data source to see all the dimensions and metrics you need. This short guide shows you how.

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